Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Pearl in the Hilt, Part 1

As he took the sword in his hand, the runes upon his hilt flared into light. He snorted, Of Course, he thought, that's what it was supposed to do. He lowered the blade, and sheathed it in the embossed leather sheath that had been supplied by the leather-workers down at the mill. He had spruced up the sheath with a golden leaf, and a stalk that ran around the sheath. He put the weapon aside, and sighed. It wasn't always like this. Once, heroes, or at least warriors wielded his weapons. Now, it was only the rich nobles that bought his swords, because they wanted a piece of shine when they readied their weapons for a last charge on their hunt.

"Sire Markhelay sends his regards," a man entering through the door said, his talbard bedecked with the signs of the Markhelay household. "He is eager for news on the progress of his sword, Telderhorn." Telderhorn looked up, his aged feet finding their purchase on the floor as he stood. "Sire Markhelay will get his sword, page, when it is ready."

The page looked disheartened. "Would it help if he said that his son would not be seen dead with a sword that was not made by Telderhorn's capable hands?" Telderhorn shook his head. "These things cannot be rushed." The page raised an eyebrow, and leaned to one side. Telderhorn lifted the sword, and handed it over. "If he wants the next one more promptly, perhaps he could ask for a Proper enchantment upon it." The page nodded, "Well," he said, "He says they're too expensive." Telderhorn shrugged. "If he can show me another maker nearby that has a comparable price... I might do him a deal." The page nodded, taking the sword. "I'll let him know."

As soon as the page left, Telderhorn sagged slightly. He looked over to the wall where there was a wide variety of weapons hanging off hooks on the wall. He walked over to them and took an opaque black staff off the wall. As his hand settled into a well worn groove on the staff, a small white pearl revealed itself like clouds clearing from across the face of a moon. As his hand left the slot, as he put it back on the wall, the pearl disappeared back into the black surface of the staff.

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