Monday, July 12, 2010

Let's All Play X-Com: UFO Defence

((Note: This will be a blind playthrough in most senses. While I have played X-Com before, I have not progressed far beyond working out the intricacies of the UI. The longest playthroughI had ended when I encountered my first batch of crysalids, and they wiped out my team and any hope of defending earth. My computer died a short while after, so I never managed to scavenge the playthrough.))

Earth. The Earth never changes. Early in the ninteenth hundred and ninty ninth year since records began, the councils of the world met to discuss the findings of the American government, following the incident in Area 51. It appeared that aliens did exist, just that they were extremely predatory and on the lookout for prime retail estate with accompanying livestock. It was decided that a sub-comitee should be established to deal with the problem. This sub-comitee became the body know as X-com, the most gun-laden sub-comitee outside of texas. The comitee established a their base of operations on a small island, so unremarkable that the greatest conquers the world had ever known had merely ignored it as not being worth the effort.

It was outfitted with the best scientific minds they could reasonable afford, and the most ingenious engineers they could lay their hand on. They made sure to include a rapid response air force and a wide arsenal of weapons. They even recruited the best mercenaries they could lay their hand on, evevn if they did come with unnecessary nicknames.

What they forgot to budget for was a competant, experienced leader. What follows is the journal of X-Com CEO Randolf Snipes.

January 1, 1999

I was transported to Alpha Base this morning, and while the blindfolded journey to it was unpeasant the base itself is well equipt. As I walked around people gathered and looked on expectantly, some holding requests for alterations to the base. I took them all with a smile and a nod, and retired to my office, to review my troops' profiles.

There was also another trooper called Anonomuss who avoided health screening. I'm sure it won't be a problem. Looking over the requests that had been made by the other members of the base, I approved the Scientist's Laser Weapons project, and ordered the construction of more living quarters, hangers, and general stores.

Upon the urging of some of the engineers, I ordered the restructuring of the base, so as to be more defensible, and signed off the requisitioning of a tank and a number of shock batons for the troops. A live alien would be quite a prize.

January 4th
One of the scientists mentioned that Aliens would quite likely to require different lodgings than us humans. I signed off on the construction of an Alien containment facility. No point in capturing aliens if we can't keep them alive long enough for the press to come round and take photgraphs of it.

January 5th
The council of nations called to remind me "that aliens are not some freakshow, you're there to keep them under raps so the people of the world don't panic. Idiot."

The soldiers have been keeping busy until the tank arrives. We haven't had any contact with the aliens, so the men are practicing shooting carboard cutouts of the aliens from "alien". They've also been loading and unloading the skyranger, and looking curiously at the shock batons, which are rather unwieldy, and a bit unsafe.
They have settled on the operative roster.

8th January
15:01 UFO, designation 001, was spotted above France.

Interceptor 1 was scrambled. I flinched for the expenses side of our cash balance sheet as it missed with its first avalanche missle. I gather it landed in the english chanel, and was written off as nuklear waste from the sellafield plant. It's second two missles however, impacted and forced the UFO to land. The troops prepped themselves and lauched to search the crash site.

I watched on as the search party landed. The UFO appeared, from the aerial intel, and from the feed from the tank, to be an abandoned farm.

The tank moved out, and within seconds spotted the ufo. It lay squatly within the long grass, near a hedge garden.

I am required for investigative purposes to include the audio transcript of the orders granted and the responses received.

CEO_01: Spread out and secure that ship men, it looks valuable!
01_Anon: Roger sir. Be advised tank has not completed recon.
02_Sara: Also, mixed team, sir.
CEO_01: Whatever, just get moving.
01_Anon: Roger, moving.

**Feed shows six members of the team dismount from the skyranger and spread out. Four figures remain where they were**

CEO_01: What are you lot doing? Move out, I said.
07_xp90: X-com contingency orders, sir. Between a fifth and half of the team are not to leave the ship with the initial group, in case of alien snipers or explosives.
CEO_01: Oh... Very well. Carry on.


01_Anon: Sir, We've secured the entrance to the UFO, preparing to breach.
CEO_01: Eeexcellent.
01_Anon: Stand by, activ..... *Static*

02_Sara: 01 is down, I repeat down. Alien contact spotted, retreating back into UFO. Pursuing.
CEO_01: 02 stand down and wait for back up.
02_Sara: Screw that, command.

02_Sara: Well, shit.
**Gunfire, Sarah ducks back out from the UFO**
02_Sara: Four Tangos spotted. One Tango down. Holding for support.

08_Boo: Moving in support of 02. Breach and clear.

**Sara moves inside the door, while Boo fiddles with a grenade. Sara blocks the entrance. Gunfire strobes from within the ship.**

08_Boo: 02, move it, I can't toss it.
02_Sara: Then wait.
08_Boo: But it's primed!
02_Sara: Then toss it clear.

**Boo tosses the grenade clear, and moves to support 02, while xp90 moves to provide covering fire. The door of the UFO closes behind sara.**

02_Sara: **Screams**

07_xp90: Moving in to throw grenade.

**xp90 moved through the entrance, and threw his grenade. Sounds later identified as Alien gunfire can be heard. xp90 does not return from the UFO**

06_Toas: Moving to block the door.

**A Muffled exposion could be heard inside, followed by some muffled unearthly gurgling. 11_Xbox and 06_Toas moved inside and executed the stunned aliens.**

Mission reports:

Casualty List:

Kill count:

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